Friday, November 1st
Founder’s Reception: 6 pm – 6:55 pm
Experience the Founder’s Reception with scrumptious hors d’oeuvres combined while meeting and
greeting other powerful women. Read more about the Founder's Award & Recipients.
Opening Session: 7pm– 10:00 pm
Don’t miss this opening session with keynote Dr. Patricia Bailey-Jones. Listen to several powerful
women who’ve overcome challenges and became successful in their lives. Experience a few
surprises! Musical guest artist is Beth Leavell-Davis.
Saturday, November 2nd
Prayer: 7:30 am
First Lady Paula Crumes will lead this powerful prayer session.
Breakfast: 8 am – 8:55 am
Enjoy a full, sit-down breakfast with powerful women.
General Session: 9 am – 11:00 am
Don’t miss this general session with keynote Dr. Patricia Bailey-Jones. Hear powerful women who’ve
overcome major challenges and are walking in their purpose. Experience a few surprises! Musical
guest artist is Dana Abram.
A – D Breakout Sessions: 11:00 - Noon (See Topic Descriptions)
Luncheon: 12 noon – 2:00 pm
Enjoy a full, sit-down luncheon with powerful women. Hear from women who are very successful.
Musical guest artist is Tera Allen.
Founder’s Award and Panel: 2 pm – 3:00 pm
The Founder’s Award is being presented to Engaging Solutions, LLC. Hear from the principals of
this worthy organization and how they turned lemon into lemonade.
A – D Breakout Sessions: 3:10 pm – 4:10 pm
Repeat of the morning break-out sessions.
Wrap Up Session: 4:15 pm – 4:45 pm
Breakout Session Topics
Session A: Stir It Up! – You Are In Control
Can’t seem to get going when it comes to walking in your passion? Don’t know where or how to identify your gift, or how to start moving towards your dream? Do you have a fear of failing? Then this session is for you. You will have the opportunity to identify those obstacles that hinder you from having and doing what you want. This session will stir it up!
Session B: Your Finances
Have you ever thought about becoming financially independent? Do you feel you could achieve your financial goals if you had the right skills to make money work for you? Look no further! This session is for you because it's never too late to get your financial situation in order. This breakout session will head you in the right direction.
Session C: Networking: You Can Do It!
Are you afraid you'll freeze up or get tongue-tied in a social setting? Are you unable to open up to people? do you fear that people will reject you? Then this breakout session is for you. Learn tips for effective networking which can lead to business success, better business partners, better employees, and better jobs.
Session D: Entrepreneurial Women: Challenges to Triumphs
If you have a desire to be an entrepreneur and you don't know how or where to begin, this session is for you. Learn from women who have experienced the challenges and successes of being entrepreneurs. Learn about resources that can assist you in becoming an entrepreneur. This session is sure to motivate you to action.