Dr. Patricia Bailey-Jones
Keynote Speaker

The ministry of Dr. Patricia Bailey-Jones has created tremendous impact for more than 32 years in over 134 countries around the world, bringing deliverance and salvation to countless thousands. Dr. Bailey-Jones is a lecturer, author, and founder of Master’s Touch Ministries Global, Inc. (MTM), a mission outreach with headquarters in North Carolina, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Georgia, South Africa, Belgium, Brazil and London, England. MTM has also founded Y.U.G.O. (Young Adults United for Global Outreach), GLTC (Global Leadership Training Center), which is a program designed to teach global strategies that will empower leaders to impact nations), and SEW (Sisters Empowering the Wold Intensive Training Center, a 5 - day extensive training
center designed to equip and empower women to become vessels of honor for their families and to ultimately transform them into World Changers that impact the nations). Dr. Bailey-Jones has focused her efforts in the 10/40 window, which includes North Africa and the Middle East, an area most densely populated, but least evangelized in the world. Dr. Bailey-Jones is a 1992 graduate of New Life Bible College in Tennessee and a 1984 Charter Class Graduate of Victory World Mission Training Center in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Over the course of the next decade, her mission thrust was dedicated to East, West, and Central Africa, the Middle East, the Carribbean, Europe and Asia. She has been featured in Charisma Magazine as the premier missions' consultant in the 21st century.
She has served as a consultant to such churches as Crenshaw Christian Center, pastored by Apostle Fredrick K.C. Price; Living Word Christian Center, pastored by Dr. Bill Winston; Word of Life Church pastored by Dr. Leroy Thompson; and speaker for Bishop Charles Blake (West Angeles COGIC). She has served as consultant to Heads of States, diplomats, and other important government dignitaries in Uganda, Burundi, Congo, Western Sahara and countries in the Carribbean. She received the Esther Service Award bestowed by Prime Minister Perry Gladstone Christie of Bahamas. She is a sought after lecturer and Board Member in such schools as Victory World Missions Training Center, Founded by the late Pastor Billy Joe Daugherty. She is also the recipient of the Church of God in Christ prestigious Charles L. Mood award, bestowed by the Presiding Bishop Charles Blake, and the recipient of the Azusa Award for Global Leadership commemorating the historic Azusa Street Revival under the leadership of Charles Harrison Mason. She serves on the Board of Directors for several ministries in Atlanta, California, Tulsa and North Carolina.
She has also been a General in the area of disaster relief and humanitarian aid, responding to such crisis as the South Pacific Asian Tsunami in 2004 and the Haiti Earthquake in 2010. Dr. Bailey-Jones currently serves as a mission's strategy consultant to several growing churches and has developed leadership program around the world. As a popular speaker, she has been featured on the 700 Club, The Harvest Show and TBN, Word Network and Daystrar. Shis also the proud mother of Karim Isreal Bailey, and the proud Yaya of grandbabies, Tia and Kingston Noah Bailey.